Perimenopause - Balance Hormone Institute

What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the transitional stage before menopause when a woman's body begins shifting toward permanent infertility. It's an extended process that can last several years as the ovaries start failing and hormone levels become irregular.

During perimenopause, most women will experience changes like:

These symptoms arise from the fluctuating estrogen and progesterone. As the hormones decline in the lead-up to menopause, they impact the brain's thermostat and throw off the moisture balance in mucous membranes.

Perimenopause officially begins when the body starts skipping ovulation here and there. This causes menstrual cycle irregularity. A woman retains fertility through perimenopause, but it is on the decline as ovulation becomes more infrequent.

Once a woman hits a full 12 months without a period, she has reached menopause - no more eggs left. The average age for this is 52. But perimenopause on average starts around 47. However, it can begin in the late 30s or early 40s too.

Managing this rocky transition of perimenopause is important for your long-term health and quality of life. If symptoms like hot flashes are getting in the way of your day, see your doctor or visit a hormone therapy clinic like Balance Hormone Institute. Their experts can walk you through all the safe and effective treatment options to get your hormones back in balance. You don't have to just "grin and bear it" through perimenopause - take control with the help of a specialist!

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